It's all in the rhythm

Jean-Mi said a very wise sentence to me this week:
It's all in the rhythm.
He told me how much he sees a progression in the gym, despite only having 2 sessions per week.
He doesn't put pressure on himself, but it's settled in the family schedule and it takes priority.
I wanted to draw a parallel with everything my clients confided to me in my kinesiology practice in relation to their desire to cook at home.
They were full of good intentions, made a super-menu on Sunday, and ended up on Saturday having not half respected it.
In that time we realize that we ate less well, and that it cost more to ready to eat. Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever wondered why? Well no, it's not because you're not organized, proof, you wrote your menu!
No, it's not because you lacked ideas, you wrote your menu on Sunday!
But you may have been dishonest about your schedule and your energy, which may have caused you to lose your rhythm.
We also see it with the calendar of recipes that we want to offer you. If we want to do too much, we go beyond our own guidelines. We don't respect that there are 24 hours in a day and that sometimes sleep is appreciated haha.
All this to tell you that, find your rhythm, respect it. Cook with gentleness and consistency, a menu that suits you and that will bring your family together.
Don't pressure yourself to do elaborate stuff between homework and your oldest girl's gym practice. (But simplicity can also equal quality!)
Thaw a protein, choose your vegetables, choose your cooking method, taste it, pi will pour you a good glass of wine;)
Good Friday! 🍷
He told me how much he sees a progression in the gym, despite only having 2 sessions per week.
He doesn't put pressure on himself, but it's settled in the family schedule and it takes priority.
I wanted to draw a parallel with everything my clients confided to me in my kinesiology practice in relation to their desire to cook at home.
They were full of good intentions, made a super-menu on Sunday, and ended up on Saturday having not half respected it.
In that time we realize that we ate less well, and that it cost more to ready to eat. Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever wondered why? Well no, it's not because you're not organized, proof, you wrote your menu!
No, it's not because you lacked ideas, you wrote your menu on Sunday!
But you may have been dishonest about your schedule and your energy, which may have caused you to lose your rhythm.
We also see it with the calendar of recipes that we want to offer you. If we want to do too much, we go beyond our own guidelines. We don't respect that there are 24 hours in a day and that sometimes sleep is appreciated haha.
All this to tell you that, find your rhythm, respect it. Cook with gentleness and consistency, a menu that suits you and that will bring your family together.
Don't pressure yourself to do elaborate stuff between homework and your oldest girl's gym practice. (But simplicity can also equal quality!)
Thaw a protein, choose your vegetables, choose your cooking method, taste it, pi will pour you a good glass of wine;)
Good Friday! 🍷