Fried tuna steaks

I had never bought this: frozen tuna steaks. And you?
I had no idea how to cook this.
But hey, why bother. Jean-Mi made it simple. ❤️
1. Thaw your tuna steak in cold/warm water.
2. Put some organic fish seasoning on a plate to make it easier to coat your steak on all sides.
3. Melt a little butter with a little oil in a pan, and cook your steaks for 1.5 minutes on each side. (for medium cooking) over medium-high heat. It continues to cook a little on the plate.
*Don't put the circle on high, you could burn the herbs that are in the fish seasonings 😉
garden salad
1. Dice a tomato and half an English cucumber.
You can remove the tomato pips and seeds if you have time. Otherwise it's a little watery.. it's up to you haha
Ah and why not add a good ripe avocado!? 🥑
2. Add a drizzle of olive oil and a good tablespoon of organic fish seasoning . Mix, enjoy, and save the rest for your lunch tomorrow!
bon appetit xxx
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