I always have a bag of frozen fish back up in the freezer.
This week, it was the cod that I called to the rescue at 4:45 p.m., when I realized that I hadn't thought of supper in advance.
Thawed in lukewarm water in 5 minutes, accompanied by the first vegetables that came to hand, the whole family enjoyed it!
Cod on the BBQ
As I wanted to cook on the BBQ, but the cod is fragile, I placed it on a cookina. I could also have simply placed it in a foil.
Pour a little olive oil on the cookina, and place your fish there.
Fish seasoning seasoning 😉
Let it cook for a few minutes until it flakes easily with a fork. You don't have to flip the fish. If you ever decide to do it because it's so thick, be careful, it's fragile.
Grilled tomatoes on the BBQ
Core 4 tomatoes. Slice them into 2 or 3 large one-inch slices.
Grate 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese.
Mix 1 heaping tablespoon Vegetable Seasoning in 1/4 cup olive oil. Brush your tomatoes on both sides.
Cook the tomatoes directly on the grill for 3 minutes. Turn them over then add 1 tbsp. tablespoons parmesan per slice of tomato. Cook for 3 minutes, until the parmesan has melted.
Grilled Onions on the BBQ
Cut 4 onions into half-inch slices. Brush the remaining seasoned oil and cook 5 minutes per side on the grill.
Enjoy in good company!
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