This recipe comes from my mother.
This spring, she got herself an organic grass-fed 1/2 hog.
I am completely jealous.
She asked for non-traditional cuts to keep the cuts to a minimum, but it'll be good with any roast you get.
Here is his recipe!
1- Sprinkle generously (a good layer) with Grilling Seasonings
2- Melt butter in a skillet and sear the roast over medium-high heat
3- Place the roast in an ovenproof dish with a lid (casserole style).
4- Deglaze the pan with a little water (1 cup).
**Deglazing is just the fancy word for it: pour 1 cup of water over what's stuck in your pan while it's still heating, and scrape up the spices, drippings and fat.
* She told me to make you think you can use white wine instead of water, and also think about pouring yourself a good cup!
5- Pour the broth you just created over your roast.
6- Put it in the oven at 325˚C for 3 hours
☀️ 7- Go sit in the sun to finish your glass of wine 🍷
*Slow cooker option
Perform steps 1-5 then finish cooking in a slow cooker instead of in the oven. (moderate intensity, 4-6 hours, depending on how strong your slow cooker is)