Easy homemade bread, rosemary bread style

I always thought baking bread was difficult. I thought it needed a bread machine, or infinite patience.
I realized that it was possible, when a certain Marilou who eats 3 times a day (We salute her, it's thanks to you that I started cooking) published a rosemary bread recipe there is a few years.
We were inspired by these aromas to make a bread with vegetable seasonings , which actually contain rosemary. (Hush it's a secret)
Although you shouldn't be in a hurry, it's really simple, and economical!
The key is simply to follow the steps.
1 cup lukewarm water2 tablespoons plain white sugar
8g of dry yeast (1 sachet). (It is sold in a small yellow jar or in a bag)
2 tbsp. Les Savoureux vegetable seasonings
1/2 tsp. salt
30ml olive oil
2 1/2 cups all-purpose white flour
Put 1/2 cup of water in a bowl. Add 1 tbsp. tablespoon sugar and stir to melt.Pour in the sachet of yeast and mix well and leave to stand for 10 minutes so that a good foam develops*
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, add the remaining water, sugar, oil, salt and 1 cup flour. Mix with a wooden spoon.
Pour the preparation that has foamed.
Add the other cup of sifted flour and mix with your hands until you get a dough that will no longer stick to your hands. To do this, gradually add the rest of the flour.** Knead (mix in your hands) the dough for about 5 minutes and form a ball.
Oil your bowl and place the ball of dough in it. Cover it with a clean damp dish towel. Leave to rest for 1 hour.
Remove the cloth, and (I'm serious), punch your dough in the center of the dough (to degas it). Knead again 3 minutes.
Place your ball in an oiled bread pan. We put it directly on a cookie sheet (on parchment paper) to have a loaf.
You can brush the top with melted butter. (We forgot it for the photo haha)
Cook 30 to 40 minutes at 350°
* It's rare, but if after 10 minutes you don't have any foam, the yeast is no longer alive. Either the water was too hot or the yeast expired.
**You may not use all the flour, or you may use a little more, the dough should just not stick to your hands anymore.< /div>